Katrin Schubert offers Acupuncture and BodyTalk in Kingston, Ontario and Gananoque, Ontario. Katrin is a registered acupuncturist.
Katrin graduated as a medical doctor from the University of Hamburg, Germany, and received her Ph.D in Medical Genetics in 1990. Her interest and training in complementary healing modalities started in her teenage years and was rekindled after extensive international clinical training in traditional Western medicine resulting in establishing a practice in Integrative Health with a variety of vibrational medical modalities such as BodyTalk and acupuncture. Impressed by the deep shifts towards physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health through the BodyTalk system Katrin became an instructor with the International Bodytalk association and teaches Modules 1 and 2, 1&2 practical intensives and Access BodyTalk. She is a PaRama practitioner, focusing on integral shifts on a physical and consciousness level and allowing beings to follow their full life expression in the gentlest yet most profound way possible. Katrin has solid experience as an instructor and trainer; she has taught acupuncture with the Acupuncture Foundation of Canada Institute for many years, delivered seminars on acupuncture treatment for drug addiction and has co-authored 2 acupuncture manuals.